Clash Discs - Sound of Precision

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Putting Tips With Randy

Randy demonstrates his disc golf putting technique by highlighting the importance of the grip, which involves the ring, middle, and thumb fingers.

He emphasizes releasing the disc using these fingers, creating a "pop" motion with the fingers, not the wrist.

He also introduces a horseshoe-style practice method, where the disc is swung side-to-side, focusing on the finger pop. Once comfortable with this style, you should adopt a proper putting stance, keeping the front foot forward.

The disc can point downwards during the swing, and it will naturally propel forward as the arm comes through. Missing to the left may indicate hesitancy in completing the stroke, while missing to the right could signify a stance that's too narrow, limiting arm movement.

Hopefully these tips will help you improve your putting.

The Hardy and Softy Candy putter releases globally September 29th.